Campus Wide Network and Internet Access Facilities
The network connectivity of Lady Brabourne College was implemented throughout the Campus consisting Fibre Backbones and copper backbones between Main Campus, Hostel and PG Building. The Fibre Backbones were connected between Main Building and old Science Building, Hostel Super’s Office to PG Building. Copper Backbones were connected between Principal’s Office to Library, Principal’s Office to Chemistry (Main Building), Old Science Building to New Science Building. It was a Managed Network using managed active devices like Switches, Firewall and Access Points.

At the initial time of network implementation in 2012 there were 96 Nodes which were provided to the Faculty members, Executive (Principal), Departments, Library, Auditorium, Library Internet Room, Library Reading Room and WEBEL Lab. Later internet facilities were provided to the computer laboratories of different Departments. The number of nodes increased to more than 350. To cater to the needs the bandwidth was upgraded to 25Mbps in 2018.
In the year 2016 Campus Network was extended to Roma Chaudhuri Building by Fibre Connection from Principal’s Office. Almost 170 Nodes were integrated in this Building in the rooms of Faculty Members and Departmental computer laboratories through wired and Wi-Fi System.
Recently in the year 2021 Wi-Fi System has been implemented/extended on all floors of Admin (Main) Building, Chemistry Building, Physics Building, New Science Building, Roma Chaudhuri Building & Cottage in order to provide Network Access Facilities to all students & Faculty Members throughout the Main Campus. This facilitated holding of virtual classes over Gsuite platform in the pandemic situation. At present all Buildings in the Main Campus is a secure Wi-Fi Zone. The total number of nodes present in the College campus is 450 which includes 48 Wi Fi access points. Since the number of users are increasing day by day the existing Internet Bandwidth has been upgraded from 25Mbps to 45Mbps.
Computer Facilities
The college has been running a Computer Diploma Course in collaboration with Webel, West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) – WIL Division for the benefit of the students since 1996. The course has been subjected to regular review to suit the requirements of the students. Separate syllabi for the humanities, the bio-science and the pure science disciplines have been framed, each to be taught over a period of two years.
A nominal course fee is charged per student for the smooth running of this self financing programme. The certificates awarded on successful completion of the course are jointly issued by the Principal of the college and Webel, West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) – WIL Division under the department of ‘Information & Technology’, Govt. of West Bengal.
The motivation behind running this course is to give students proper grounding in the versatile use of computers against minimum effort and expense. For science students the course is preparatory for portions of degree syllabi involving computer programming. All students are expected to participate in this programme so that they may equip themselves beyond their degree course for any future career options they may wish to pursue.
Broadband connection and Networking facility is available for better communication.
The Departments of Physics, Statistics and Microbiology have their own computer units while the Mathematics and Geography Departments continue to expand their facilities. State Government has released funds for further improvement of the computer facilities.
Safety And Security Measures
- The College and the Hostel premises have 24 x 7 vigilance at the gate through Govt. employed Day and Night Guards on duty.
- In order to further ensure the safety and security of students, the College has deployed additional armed security guards.
- CCTV cameras have been installed in both the College and Hostel premises in order to enhance vigil and for more intense round-the-clock surveillance.
- Students are required to display their Identity cards (issued by the college) on their persons while in the college campus for reasons of security.
- Visitor’s register is maintained at the College entrance gate as well as in the Hostel.
- A total of 29 fire extinguishers have been installed and regularly maintained inside the College and Hostel buildings by Ceasefire Pvt. Ltd. Fire Drills are organized to ensure readiness during occasions of crisis.
- The rules of the Hostel have been framed keeping in mind the safety and security of the students.

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Reprographic Centres
The College has 3 Reprographic Centres where teachers and students can photocopy books / journals / documents.
Rain Water Harvesting Unit
Lady Brabourne College not only provides a clean and green environment to the students but also tries to sensitize them towards the need for a pollution free environment. The College has undertaken a project for Rain Water Harvesting in collaboration with ‘State Water Investigation Directorate, West Bengal’. With the initiative of the Department of Botany, the Project of Rs. 43 lakh in collaboration with State Water Investigation Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal has been successfully completed.
This project involves a roof-top rain water harvesting scheme for artificial recharge of ground water in the College campus. The main objective of this project is to increase the ground water reserve and reduce arsenic and salinity in the ground water through dilution. Rain water is collected from the rooftop of the College and Hostel buildings with the help of gutters and downspouts. These downspouts are channelized to lead the collected rain water up to a filter bed. The rain water is filtered and recharged to the nearest aquifer thereafter through a newly constructed bore well.
Rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge is the most suitable alternative to combat water scarcity.
- This has enabled the capturing, diverting, and storing of rainwater for later use.
- It has reduced demand on existing water supply, and has reduced run-off, erosion, and contamination of surface water.
The harvested rainwater can be used for nearly any purpose that requires water like gardening, etc.
Power Backup
The College has its own generator in order to ensure uninterrupted power supply during classes / examinations / seminars / extra-curricular activities.
COVID-19 Related Special Grievances Cell
Professor Sanjukta Das
Dr. Srimati Mukherjee
Dr. Chhanda Basu Chaudhuri
Smt Shikha Paul
Dr. Sandhya Kumari Singh
Smt. Mahua Roy
The cell, constituted as per the Govt. of West Bengal Advisory regarding UG and PG Examinations in view of the Covid -19 pandemic, deals with academic and exam related grievances of the students due to the present situation.
Students may send their grievances to the following mail address:
lbc.grievanceredressal@gmail. com
In case of problems with internet, students may contact the Cell through their Heads of Department.
Drivers' Cabin
Humanitarian and compassionate considerations have led to the construction of a Drivers’ Cabin in order to provide a resting place for drivers who have to be present in the College premises for long hours on duty.
Prizes, Certificates And Scholarships
The College awards prizes and certificates for academic and cultural distinctions as well as for excellence in sports activities. All prizes are awarded to the students at the Annual Prize Giving Ceremony which takes place as part of the Foundation Day celebrations of the college. The coveted Roma Chaudhuri Memorial prize is awarded to the most outstanding student of the year while the P.C.Chandra Gold medal adorns the best all-round performer.
Apart from the college prizes a host of endowment prizes are awarded to students for academic distinction in various subjects at different levels.
Prize Distribution Ceremony 2024

Government Scholarships
Government sponsored Merit scholarships both at the National and State levels can be availed apart from scholarships awarded by some local bodies and organizations.
Scholarships available at Lady Brabourne College
- Poor and meritorious minority (MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, SIKH, BUDHISTS, JAINS, PARSIS) students of Lady Brabourne College can get different scholarships like Post-metric scholarship, Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means (SVMCM) scholarship, Talent Support scholarship and Central Sector scholarship from minority MAME department, Government of West Bengal under AIKYASHREE Portal ( . One students can apply only for one scholarship except Kanyashree. Documents required are Adhar Card, Mobile number (for OTP), Bank pass book; Banglar Siksha Portal Id. Eligibility criteria for different scholarship are given below. The applicant must study in school, College or Institute recognized by the governing board or university.Also, the Student must be from West Bengal State. The Family income of students should not be more than 2 .5lakh per annum to apply for the scholarship.
- i) West Bengal Post Matric Scholarship: (Portal: )
Percentage of Marks should be Above 50% . From class 11th to Ph.D. students can apply for the scholarship. An applicant who is pursuing ITI, diploma, Graduation, Post Graduation, M.Phill, B.ed, etc. , can apply under this program. Amount of scholarship is different for different scholarships depending on the nature of scholarship government, private, or the category of the incumbent if she is a day-scholar or hostelite. Scholarship financial help would be of maximum of 16500 Rs. as per the subject taken by the student.
ii) Merit Cum Means Scholarship: Professional Courses B.Tech,MBBS and others.
iii) Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship: (Portal: 60% UG and 53% PG. This scholarship is given from Class XI to Post Graduate students. The amount of Scholarship ranges from 12000 Rs to 18000 and it may maximum 60000 Rs as per the subject opted by the students for studies. Address for correspondenc 11/3, Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata-700017 Near: 4 no Bridge, Institute of Child Health & Hospital Telephone No. 033-22870461/1107
- HELP LINE – 1800-120-2130
- WHATSAPP NO- 8017071714
- National Scholarship Portal:
A) INDIRA GANDHI SINGLE GIRL CHILS SCHOLARSHIP (IGSGCS Portal is given by the Government of India. PG Indira Gandhi scholarship for single girl child by University Grants Commission- MHRD. Scholarship amount is Rs 36,200 per annum for two years. Eligibility conditions are: Be a girl student of up to 30 years of age.Twins Girls may also apply.Students should take admission in regular, full-time 1st-year Masters Degree program in any designated university or a postgraduate college.There is no family income limit under this scholarship.
B) Central sector scheme scholarship for college and university students is provided by the Department Of Higher Education. Scholarship amount is upto Rs 20,000 per annum for those who are pursuing regular UG/PG course. The candidates’ annual family income must not exceed INR 8 Lakh. The applicants must not be availing any other scholarship benefits.In case of any query regarding the Central Sector Scholarship scheme, the applicants can contact with the following address:National Scholarship Division, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, West Block 1, 2nd Floor, Wing 6, Room No. 6, R.K. Puram, Sector 1, New Delhi 110066. Telephone No: 011-26172917, 26172491, 26165238
- National Scholarship Portal:
- OASIS( Portal: scholarship is provided by of West Bengal. Different scholarships come under OASIS viz.Pre-Matric SC Scholarship, Post-Matric SC Scholarship,Pre-Matric OBC Scholarship, Post Matric OBC Scholarship, Pre-Matric ST Scholarship,Post-Matric ST Scholarship. Eligibility conditions are: Students must be from SC, ST and OBC,The family/annual guardian’s income should not exceed INR 2 lakh.One must be a domicile of West Bengal. One must have scored at least 50% marks in Class 12th. (For UG Students)
- KANYASHREE PRAKALPA (Portal ) The scheme has two components like K1 & K2. For K1: The amount is Rs 1000/- (One thousand) per annum. Age of the applicant for K1 is below 18 years. For K2: The amount is 25000/- (one-time grant of twenty five thousand Rs) . Age limit of the applicant for K2 is above 18years abut below 19 years. There is no income limit for K1 & K2. The applicant must be a domicile of West Bengal.
- SVMCM (For non-minorities) : ( Portal
- Eligibility Criteria: ( For SVMCM) Students should pass in the year 2024,2023 or 2022 or 2021 (unable to get admission in the year 2023 or 2022 or 2021 due to unavoidable reason and taking admission in the year of advertisement) with at least (a)60%(75% for 2020 or earlier passout candidates) marks in aggregate in the last qualifying examination from West Bengal Board of Secondary Education/West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education/Madrasa Education for Higher Secondary level or Under Graduate level can apply for the scholarship.
- The Students pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from institutions of this state, can apply for K3.
- Students pursuing Doctoral courses (NON-NET JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW and NET-LECTURERSHIP) from State-aided Institutions will come under the purview of this Scholarship Scheme.
- Portal for Renewal
For renewal of scholarship, application must be submitted online to the concerned scholarship sanctioning authority within one month from the date of admission in the next higher class due to promotion by passing in the first attempt (In case of Semester mode-All Semester Examinations need to be cleared in the first attempt). Renewal cases (concentrated only at a particular level of study) will be sanctioned subject to good academic performance (Minimum 60% marks should be obtained from Higher Secondary Level to Undergraduate Level (combining both semester) at the promotional examination) and 50% marks (combining both semester) at Post Graduate Level.
Documents required:
For 1st Renewal: Submission of SEM 1 and SEM 2 Mark sheet required
For 2nd Renewal: Submission of SEM 3 and SEM 4 Mark sheet requiredMeans & Merit Judging Criteria for SVMCM
The total family income for the prospective scholars will be not more than Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum.MERIT JUDGING CRITERIA For SVMCM & K3 :
Course Eligibility Criteria Scholarship Rate Per Month (INR) UG (ARTS) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1000/- UG (SCIENCE) At least 60% marks in Last Qualifying Exam 1500/- PG (ARTS) At least 50% marks for SVMCM and 45% for Kanyashree (K3 applicants in Last Qualifying Exam 2000/- PG (SCIENCE) At least 50% marks for SVMCM and 45% for Kanyashree (K3 applicants in Last Qualifying Exam 2500/- - K3: ( There is no need to submit Income Certificate and Income Affidavit in respect of Kanyashree students applying for K-3 scholarship
- Scholarship from College Fund: Lady Brabourne College offers free studentship to the deserving candidates according to their merit & means. Family income of the applicant should be less than 8000/-per month.
The College not only strives for the academic excellence of its students, but endeavours towards their holistic development. In order to ensure that the students remain physically fit, they have access to three gymnasiums that have been set up in the College premises – one in the newly constructed Roma Chaudhuri Building, one in the Student’s Common Room and the third in the College Hostel. The gymnasiums are equipped with modern equipments and facilities.
Glimpses of students working out at the Gymnasium in the Roma Chaudhuri Building
College Canteen
The college canteen has been upgraded to maintain better hygienic standards and is equipped to cope with the mid-break rush efficiently with additional space assigned recently. A canteen has also been opened on the second campus of the college, in the PG building, where hostel students can also enjoy evening snacks.
Common Room
Lady Brabourne College, being a girls’ College utilizes the Students’ Common Room in multifarious ways. This is a space exclusively for students. This is a spacious, well-equipped and welcoming place with recreational and gymnasium facilities. As part of the West Bengal Government initiative, a vending machine along with incinerators has been installed in the Common Room and its attached washroom for the benefit of the students. One female attendant has been deployed at the entrance of the common room to aid the students.
Solar Power Project Implementation in Collaboration with WBREDA
(A Green Energy Initiative of Lady Brabourne College)
Lady Brabourne College has taken up a project to make a humble beginning in utilizing nature’s gift of solar energy in meeting ever increasing demand of electricity to some extent. Under this project, in February, 2016, solar panels of 1kWp capacity had been installed on the roof top of the main building at the college campus in collaboration with West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency, Govt. of West Bengal. In October, 2018, we have installed a Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic system (GRTSPV) having capacity 17.5 kWp using the fund received under CPE phase II scheme. This project has been implemented in our college under the active supervision of Department of Physics.
The Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System with capacity 17.5 kWp has been connected to an existing electricity line having maximum power consumption in our college. At present the system is running successfully and the electricity bill has been reduced significantly. In this context it may also be pointed out that so far our Renewable Energy Source i.e. Solar Photovoltaic system has met 6% of the total power requirement of our college.

LED Bulbs in the Corridors, Classrooms, Library & Auditorium
College Auditorium
The College has its own air-conditioned auditorium with a capacity to seat approximately 350 people. It has provision for state-of-art audio-visual facilities which enable the hosting of seminars, conferences, workshops and cultural programmes. The auditorium is also used to conduct General classes as and when necessary.

The Dios of the Auditorium

Another view of Auditorium showing the seating arrangement (including balcony)

View from one side of College Auditorium

Glimpses of a programme organized in Auditorium

Glimpses of a programme organized in Auditorium
Medical Unit
Lady Brabourne College has a medical unit, adjacent to student’s common room. This unit is well equipped with a bed, wheel-chair and First-aid box with medicines. A doctor is available once a week for consultation.
Sky Watching Facilities
Sky watching or skygazing, can be for leisure or an activity of immense excitement when a student has keen interest in amateur astronomy. Astronomical observations can be made with the naked eye or with basic optical aids like telescopes. Many different celestial objects can be viewed while skygazing during both night and daytime.
The Department of Physics has a 4” diameter astronomical telescope installed for sky watching. Students and Teachers use it to find and view the planets or stars, or spend an early morning watching a meteor shower, or watch an eclipse, constellation, comets, etc.
Classrooms With ICT Facilities 2021-22
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Classrooms With ICT Facilities 2020-21
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